Today’s children master the computer even before school. Not all parents like it: dubious entertainment that can grow into an addiction. On the other hand, the world is changing, and it will definitely need IT-specialists and robotics. By the way you can find fastest payout online casino in New Zealand here.
1. Pay attention to your child’s interests
A deep interest in the computer, in “how everything works”, in contrast to a passion for games, does not occur just like that. Initially the child shows abstract thinking, interest in logical operations, solving problems. It is important to notice this interest in time and develop it: with strategic games, constructors, interesting applications: Scratch, Factorio, CodeCombat.
2. Suggest games for the development of abstract thinking
Playing games on the computer for a 3-year-old child is not the best option. For children 3-4 years old simple games are more useful. Developing “right” thinking in kids will help with logic problems, a construction set, puzzles, plasticine. At this age, it is important to get to know one’s space and body, and to develop motor skills, including those guided by parents.
3 Don’t try to remake your child.
Better help him or her develop their abilities. The example of the current world chess champion Magnus Carlsen is illustrative. He belongs to the first generation of sportsmen who got an opportunity to train while sitting in front of the computer without constantly going to the chess club (at the age of 8 Magnus was blitzing in the Internet for several hours a day). The future champion was a reserved child, but always showed an interest in logical problems. His parents noticed this and helped him by steering him in the right direction.
4. Determine the appropriate age
Children are ready to approach programming consciously from the age of 12. At this age they memorize quickly, begin to grasp key concepts. That’s when you can give them a programming or development course. For younger children, simple games with parental supervision are more suitable: puzzles, lego, board games with strategy building.
5. Choose the right computer games
If useful computer games for children 4 years old is not easy to find, then educational games for a child 7 years on the computer – not so rare. Contrary to parental stereotypes, there are many useful games and apps for school children. The best ones are the ones where the child not only plays, but also participates in the creation. For example:
Scratch (from 7 years old). A variant for the youngest. You can easily build animations, simple games, cartoons.
CodeCombat (9-14 years old). The design is similar to a real online game, while using writing code for game mechanics. For example, for a character to go forward – you have to write a command to jump – to create some code.
Swift Playgrounds (10-15 years). A good option for spending a few evenings with your child. This is not only a beautiful toy, it teaches the basics of the Swift language, in which mobile and desktop applications for Apple devices are written.
Factorio (ages 12 and up). This game helps develop systemic thinking and logic by building complex conveyors and factories and extracting resources, doing research and building infrastructure.
Human Resource (age 12 and up). A good cartoon game where you have to solve algorithmic tasks, similar to those faced by programmers.
Maincraft (ages 12-16). An add-on to the game Maincraft in the form of a local server. This is more of a “teen + parent” format. Adults should be willing to dive in: help with set-up and walkthrough tasks.
SHENZHEN I/O (ages 16 and up). A game that teaches how to program boards in the assembly language. Suitable for keen teenagers and for adults.
Ideally, you should stick to the rule: “We only play games that we have written ourselves.” So the child is better able to remember the rules of coding, and all the time he wants to improve his game.
These games are essentially programs for learning code, only adapted for children. But there is also a base on how to work with code: Processing, Studio Code, Python I.
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6. Some programming languages even teenagers can master
The basics of web development, programming languages Java and Python, big data processing can be learned at the age of 14-15. The acquired skills will be appreciated by employers in different areas, not only in programming. For example, a science lab needs someone who knows how to process big data with computer programs. A journalist who understands the basics of web development will be able to launch his or her own Internet publication.